A Sound Lifestyle

A blog dedicated to the lifestyle of a professional Production Sound Mixer. Location sound tips and tricks. Healthy habits while working on the road. Jim Dineen- Texas Location Sound Mixer

Road Warrior

Maintaining a fitness routine on the road is tough. I'm more of a "Let's do some heavy squats, clean and jerks and box jumps" than "30 minutes on the treadmill" sort of guy.... not so much at the Holiday Inn. 

I brought a few, simple tools with me to Panama and compiled this list of movements and have been putting them in to WODs. I hate a lot of these movements which makes them perfect for a guy like me, since I'm forced to do things outside my comfort zone. 

I brought an Ab Mat, Rings, a heavy resistance band and a speed rope. 

Air Squats

Squat Jumps


Lunge Jumps

Lateral Lunges

Banded side steps


"Box" jumps

Stair jumps

Push Ups

Hand Stand Push Ups

Hand Release Push Ups

Banded Push Ups

Ring Push ups

Bench Dips

Ring Dips

Spider Push Ups

Pull Ups

Ring Pull Ups

Ring Rows


Burpee Pull Ups

Ab Mat sit ups


V Sits

L Sits



Windshield Wipers

Double Unders

Mountain Climbers


That's a pretty thorough list of movements to choose from. I've been trying to do a strength portion ex: Hand stand push ups, pistols, bench dips and a WOD, ex: 10 RFT 10 x box jumps, 5 x ring push ups, 25 x double unders. 

I certainly miss the heavier, barbell movements but I'm not struggling to break a sweat!

What am I missing on this list?